
The location in question, with its size and position in the city matrix, opens up the possibility that the future object can be viewed as a significant spatial marker. For this reason, its creation is approached as a kind of branding, which, through design, organization, and technological equipment, has the ultimate goal of brand recognition, which is necessary for the market. success today.

A significant feature of the location is its position at the intersection of two important and frequent city roads - Futoški puta and Suboticka Boulevard. The shape and volume of the building were arrived at on the one hand by analyzing external factors - the percentage and built-up index. basic size - makes up approximately 10% of the required construction, square footage. The concept, but also the final appearance and setting of the object are the result of the intersection of external and internal factors. The effect of the external ones is reflected in the above-described process of analysis and achievement of the required construction and floor space. On the other, "internal" side, the conditioning of different program content per floor, and therefore the adaptation of the constructive system to different functions, work. In the "reconciliation" of all data and requirements, the best typologies for each of the contents are sought. The solid green membrane precisely defines its contours, emphasizing the "split" of the upper floors. The ground floor is dominated by another solid plane - the plane of the recessed parterre, which gives visual support and solidity to the base of the building. The accentuated and dynamic horizontality of the facade was created as a reflection of the context and imitates the density and speed of traffic in the surrounding streets. The view from Subotica Boulevard reveals the "profile" of the building, where the specific character of the ground floor and its communicativeness about the environment are recognized.