Riblja Pijaca

Resolving the area of the Fish Market with the market square is burdened with multifaceted issues. It is at the same time solving the problem of space and unclear spatial typology; then the question of the function: in what way - and whether it should be changed at all; as well as the existence of a very strong memory of the place - since it is the oldest city market.


The problem of the typology of space is perhaps the most complex, and its solution was done by deduction, i.e. - what that space should not be - which led to a conscious deviation from the given urban planning conditions. The area of the market and square is already part of an urban block, bounded on one side by Dunavska Street and on the other by Sremska Street, so the creation of a new block within the block (if this space would be fenced off from all sides with brick ground tracts) seems illogical. In contrast, in the proposed solution, only one, two-story tract is formed towards the street - but its role is "strictly functional", in fact, it exists only to support the function of the market, i.e. the square. In considering the utilitarian aspect of the observed space, one can start from the fact that not so long ago this market began to "die" spontaneously. That process has stopped to some extent, but it remains to be noted that it is inconsistent with the increase in the population density of the surrounding districts, that is, with the size of the gravitational area of the market. In relation to those parameters, it is clear that a market with a square should still exist in this place. It is also clear that the field of buying and selling needs to be improved and technically advanced in all the following segments, but it is of vital importance to support the social aspect of the market in the best possible way through its functional and substantive solution. In response to that, the existing facilities within the market itself were supplemented with new ones (restaurant, express restaurant, game room, public toilet, cafes, etc.), while all capacities were increased, and the necessary warehouse spaces were provided on the basement floor.