The use of several design elements creates an experience of constant change and the active life of the museum. The floor covering is transparent in the form of a plate made of tempered glass or a perforated sheet to place RGB led lighting below, the programming of which creates unlimited visualization possibilities.

The new element is represented by a path materialized in prochrome sheet metal that connects the plateau with the surroundings and potentially enters the building itself, starting in the atrium. Part of the track is made of movable benches made of the same material, the placement of which creates a different organization of the space, which is also functionally supported by multimedia connections in the floor channels. The color of the new floor covering in the form of a print reflects the reminiscence of the existing yellow brick as an autochthonous and almost extinct material. The pavilion was solved in two ways. By maintaining its position on the plateau, the perception of the object of the museum is disturbed to a certain extent, so its materialization must be as little material as possible. The use of reflective glass with a mirror effect enables mimicry of the object, while the setting on rails with the possibility of moving and opening all side portals is a function of adaptability to different needs. A variant location of the pavilion in the basement, in the niche now occupied by the tank, is proposed. The glass roof allows viewing from the plateau, while the connection with the upper level is realized by side-formed tribunes that are simultaneously used as an auditorium, rounding off the pavilion's separate micro-ambiance.